This is my version of a traditional german dish called rinderrouladen. It's made of chickpea cutlets with some extra umami flavour, which are rolled out and filled with mustard, raw onions and thinly sliced pickeled cucumbers. My hometown is known to produce a famous and special kind of mustard called mosterd in our lokal dialect (mustard is usually called senf in german). This is the reason this dish is so famous over here. Some people go crazy with their mosterd. If you say something like "I want to buy some "senf"", they will look at you like they are going to kill you and say: "We don't have any. We just have mosterd."
I served the rouladen with some pealed potatoes boiled in salted water but most people like to eat them with potato dumplings.
Vegan Rinderrouladen
For the rouladen:
1 portion of chickpea cutlet dough, leave out the herbs and stuff and add two teaspoons of vegemite, 1/3 cup of nooch and two teaspoons of liquid smoke
about 4 tsp of mustard
1 onion, finely chopped
4 medium siced pickeled cucumbers, thinly sliced
1 onion, roughly chopped
1 carrot, roughly chopped
1 tsp of whole peppercorns
1 tsp of juniper berries
2-4 dried or fresh bayleaves
2-3 tbs of canola oil
1 glass of red wine
2 cups of vegetable stock
2 tbs of cornstarch (potato starch will work as well)
some salt for seasoning
For the red cabbage:
4 cups of shreddered red cabbage
7 tbs of sugar
2 tbs of vinegar
2 appels, pealed and cut into chunks
salt and pepper for seasoning
1. Roll out the chickpea cutlets in a square shape until 1 cm. Cut them into 4 squareshape pieces.
2. Spread about one tespoon of mustard on top of each cutlet, sprinkle with some of the finely chopped onions and top with the sliced cumbers.
3. Roll them up and fix with two toothpicks.
4. Add the oil the a oven save pot and fry the rouladen until they are cripsy on every side. Add the onions and carrots and fry them for antother two minutes.
5. Add the spices, the wine and the stock and put evrything into the oven for about 40 minutes at 200 ° C.
6. Turn the rouladen around after half of the time has passed.
7. When the rouladen are ready, put them out of the pot and drain the rest throug a siff, saving the luqid.
8. Boil the liquid in a pot. Disolve the starach in some cold water. Add the starch to the liquid. Simmer everything until it is as thick as gravy.
9. Put 3 tablespoons of the sugar and the appels into a pot, and caramelize them.
10. Add the rest of the cabbage ingredients along with a bit of water and cook on medium high heat until the cabbage is tender. ( For about 30 minutes.)