Sigara Böregi is a turkish snack made of a pastry called Yufka, which is traditional filled with a special kind of feta cheese, paprika powder, dill or parsley or both. I created a vegan version with a tofu based filling and I like it even more, than I liked the non vegan version.
Sigara Böregi
24 leaves of pizza-slice shaped yufka pastry (this might be hard to get, if you can't find a turkish grocery store, but you can also use phyllo-pastry which is quiet similar to yufka)
1 block of firm tofu, pressed
3 tsp of salt
1 hand of dill, finely chopped
3 tbs of paprika powder
1/3 cup of tahina
5 small cubes of fermented tofu
1 tsp of garilc powder
1/2 of nutritional yeast
some canola oil for deepfrying
1. In a bowl, mash the fresh and the fermented tofu with a fork.
2. Add all the other ingredients eccept the yufka and oil and mix well.
3. Place aprox. 2 teaspoons of filling on top of a yufka leave.
4. This is called CIGAR-böregi so you will need you cigarette rolling skills now. Try to roll the yufka around the filling like you would roll a cigarrette. If you want the version shown at a first picture or if you just have phyllo, than you roll it like you whould do with a springroll.
5. Deepfry inside of a pan with a lot of canolaoil until crisp.
These look amazing! I can't decide whether to make these or the Khaab El Ghazal for my next stuffed-pastry experience...