Dienstag, 30. November 2010

My personal relation to traditional german food

I spent most of my life as an omni but I was a very picky child and teenager. I disliked most of the german sausages and even hated frikadellen. All those disgusting mayo flavoured "salads" like nudelsalat, kratoffelsalat and this like fleischsalat or wurstsalat scared me a lot. I kind of hated processed meat so I was a very bad german ^^. But quiet and other thing is, that my mother and grandmother are both passionate cooks and bakers even if my grandma doesn't cook or bake anymore but they itroduced me to german kitchen. My grandmother used to cook every sundays lunch for us as long as she was able to do it. She cooked things like "Königsberger Klopse", "Goulasch", "Rinderrouladen", "Kohlrouladen", "Reibekuchen", "Sauerbraten" and all those other roast, german kitchen is known for. She also prepared white asparagus when it was in season and was alwas very picky because she always wanted to find the best quality asparagus.
The dishes she made for herself at weekdays were more frugal but also traditional. She used to eat spinach with boiled eggs and potatoes, which I liked very much and she had lots of "Durcheinander"-style dishes with differnt kinds of meat. As a child i liked her fried pork chops and the beef soup. The beefsoup was always made with "Suppenfleisch", that's different kinds of cheap beef which noone would use to fry it or something but was nice in a soup even if it was fatty and soft. An other dish was "Hühnerfrikassee", a thick and tasty chickensoup served with cooked rice, which I will surely veganize in a few weeks. As a child and teenager I also traveled to the north of germany and stayed in munich for a couple of days so I was introduced to the cuisines of other german regions.
Well, this food can be gross and boring and sometimes it is quiet a pain in the a** to veganize some dishes.
The experiment during mofo made me think a lot about vegenazing meet dishes.
The challange is, that meat has it's own texture, taste, a lot of umami and fat and it provides you with raw protein, that is able to work as it's own binder.
When you try to veganize it and you what to fake this stuff autentically it's quiet hard.
I always want the texture the taste, the umami and the fat and that's the challenge for me but I will never give up to try because hey, I sucessfully faked an authentic bloodsausage without using any blood.
Let's veganize everything that's supposed to stay omni!
Do never lose the standart of doing it gourmet stile. I don't want to hear any of those food crisitcs and Antony Boudrains say, that our cruelty free food is inferior. I don't want Gordon Ramsay to cry because he has to try a vegan diet.
Vegan food is great, it's the healties choice of food you can get, it's peacefull, it's good for the environment, it's able to slow down the climate change and to stopp the hunger and it's even cheaper.
Tell me about the food that noone will be able to veganize!
After this project, I will be able to do it.
That's my way of fighting for a vegan world.

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